new locker codes for nba 2k14 ps4

New locker codes for nba 2k14 ps4

new locker codes for nba 2k14 ps4

It appears that there are two primary sentiments of NBA 2k14 on the cutting edge frameworks. 1) It's a repulsive first offering, with huge amounts locker codes for nba 2k14 microtransactions, missing diversion modes and spare breaking glitches. 2) It's the prettiest and most liquid b-ball diversion ever constructed.

The truth is some place in the center. Contingent upon what you need to escape from the experience, NBA 2k14 will either be extraordinary or atrocious.


The diversion's presentation on the court is stunning. The 2k arrangement has constantly offered robust illustrations, however the new supports open up a huge amount of chances, particularly in making players' confronts look practical. However its more than that. Indeed the stadium itself looks awesome — the fans, the shot clock, the advertisement flags at midcourt. The damn amusement is delightful, and it plays in the same class as it looks. There's additionally a huge amount of additional dialog for Kevin Harlan, Steve Kerr and Clark Kellogg, which helps each one show feel all the more new.

Activity on the court feels incredible. Giving the right stay some spill usefulness helps monitors and advances feel like they have more alternatives to get to the edge. There are a pack of additional livelinesss for setting picks, and your timing is key — setting your feet ahead of schedule in an incredible spot will give your partner space, yet getting there late prompts a merited moving screen hostile foul. Shot blocking has been moved up to where dismissing a shot feels amazingly fulfilling. Once more, when you're playing 2k14 between the baselines and not on the menu screen, it is fabulous.

The Mycareer mode (which is the place I invest a large portion of my time) got a couple of critical supports. While the center framework continues as before, compensating players with more indicates use in the event that they play shrewd b-ball with their group, the off-court side uncovered another look. Your player will now get a huge amount of additional cutscenes, get an executor, and create a Pokemon-style rival who simply so happens to play the same position as you and talks junk each time you see him. The dialog in these scenes wavers in the middle of cheesy and magnificent, however it unquestionably improves the mode and makes the tenderfoot season substantially more agreeable.

The soundtrack is much superior to in years past, with a huge amount of conspicuous melodies that make for incredible stadium music. Without a doubt, a couple have been played to death on the radio, yet I need to give Lebron kudos for assembling a mixed rundown.


The presentation off the court ranges from dull to outright abominable. Until you download a redesign, the exhausting fundamental menu will comprise locker codes for nba 2k14 precisely four choices — it would seem that a damn title from the 90s. Menus are moderate and unintuitive; why in the hellfire would it be advisable for me to need to passageway such a distance out of vocation mode to include a tattoo or change my character's hair?

Damn close everything that doesn't include profession mode or really playing the diversion is atrocious. The primary month or two after discharge demolished spare records and constrained them to begin once again, in light of the fact that you must be associated with the servers to spare your amusement. Some post-discharge patches have tended to some of these issues, yet the way that they existed at all smells of an amusement that was hurried to be a dispatch title.

I figure I shouldn't be amazed by the absence of amusement modes given that this is the first offering on a cutting edge framework (and those have generally sucked), however… what a wreck. No affiliation mode. No make a player or make a group. The Myteam mode is a dumpster fire where you need to use in-amusement cash just to let your mentors SET THEIR LINEUP FOR THE GAME. Online play appears slick (100 players on 10 courts as once!) until you understand that you don't care at all what's occurring on the other nine courts and shouldn't need to have Playstation Plus to join in.

While the profession augmentations are for the most part incredible, a couple of scripted situations yank you out of the experience. Did you rule your opponent in the freshman test? Excessively terrible; he's getting drafted above you at any rate. For hell's sake, I had a diversion where my group (the Kings) was heading by 42 focuses going into halftime. I was sidelined the entire second from last quarter, and when I returned in beginning the fourth, we were around 20+ and my objective was to bring the group back. When I fizzled this crazy undertaking, my mentor chastised me and cut my minutes. Silly. Keeping in mind it was adorable the first run through, having a discussion with my GM about Bob in Maintenance having a birthday presumably shouldn't happen FOURTEEN TIMES IN A SEASON.


It's truly difficult to give this amusement a score. It's soooo much fun when you're really playing ball, yet getting there is a dreary procedure for some and an incomprehensible undertaking for others. It may be the prettiest dispatch title accessible in light of the fact that everything is so damn liquid and fresh on the court, yet it emphasizes a frightful menu framework. I can't propose it for anybody searching for a profound title with a huge amount of diversion modes, however in the event that you love My Career or simply playing Quick Games with upgraded programs, regardless you'll get your cash's value.

That said, if 2k doesn't venture up their amusement next season, it'll be the first occasion when I don't purchase their diversion in six years.

As somebody who adored the current-era variant of NBA 2k14, to say I was eager to see what the cutting edge had in store is putting it mildly. With the hold up at long last over, now is the right time to talk cutting edge loops.

Right away, we should get into desires and reality for every part of the diversion.

After the trailers we saw amid the incline up, the full diversion was set up to be held to the most astounding standard in the historical backdrop of games feature diversions. We saw things in the "OMG" trailer and sees that made our jaws drop. Could the full amusement satisfy what we saw in the trailers?

What We Got

When you slide NBA 2k14 into drive on your cutting edge framework, you' re going to be passed up the visual ad